Thursday, September 29, 2016

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique


1. Some challenges I encountered was finding ONE class that had all of the compositions in it. I had to go to many different classes because they didn't have all the topics.
2. I found myself thinking about balance and framing the most because those were the hardest to find.
3. If i could do this project differently i would look around the school and see if I could find classes that have a lot of balance in it or framing so i know i can go to that class and expect to get a photo of balance or framing.
4. I would continue to go around to different places and not stay in the same place so I have a variety of different photos in different places.
5.  For the next prompt shoot the easiest to shoot would be the rule of thirds.
6. The hardest to capture would be a framing photo because they're isn't very many different frames around the school and also lines would be hard because again there isn't many different lines at bowie.
7. The one rule that is still confusing to me is the lines rule and the balancing because in the power point they talked about balance having shapes in the photo so I'm confused if i have the find geometrical shapes in photos all the time.


I liked how all her pictures were clear and were easy to see what the subject was.

Her photos that she used could have been different things. She used people looking through a microscope for 4 out of the 6 pictures. I would have liked to see something different then that.

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