Thursday, September 8, 2016

Composition 9/11


In this picture the twin tower is in the middle of the photo and the background has a nice color and the explosion is also in the middle of the picture as well.  

                 RULE OF THIRDS: 
For this picture you can see that the twin towers are off to the side of the picture and towards the top right of the picture instead of the middle. This makes the picture seem more dramatic and you can see  a lot of the smoke travel to the left. 


The lines in the American Flag all lead directly to the firefighter who is crying. This is a line because the lines are directly moving toward the firefighter. 


This picture shows a triangle of where the men are hanging the flag, which is a apart of balance. 


The broken wall or glass forms a frame around the firefighter who is climbing up the ladder. 

                                                           AVOIDING MERGERS:
Because there is so many people in this picture the photographer cropped and cut out people in the picture. 

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