Thursday, September 22, 2016

Academic Shoot


1. The composition rule i followed in this photo was framing.
2. The subject of the photo is the man standing in the center of the photo. 
3.Yes it is clear to the people what the subject is because there is only one focal point.


1. The photo composition that was used in this photo was simplicity 
2. The subject in the photo is the boy walking in the hall, alone.
3. Yes this photo shows clearly what the subject is. 


1. The photo composition that is used in the photo is balance.
2. The subject of the photo is the two girls in the center of the photo.
3. The subject should be clear because the two girls are the only people in the photo.


1. This photo represents a merger 
2. The subject is the girl on the far right of the photograph
3. The subject might be hard to see and it's not the clearest to see.
4. I could have not have had so many things in the back ground. Like the boy and the poster at the very top that draws peoples attention. 


1. This photo represents the lines rule.
2. The subject is the boy sitting on the bench 
3. The subject is not that clear to see
4. Where the boy is sitting doesn't make him stand out and you eyes are drawn to the light coming into the windows. I could have set my camera on a higher ISO and focused more on the boy. 


1. This follows the rule of thirds
2. The subject is the girl off to the right of the photo 
3. Yes, the subject is clear to see in this photo. 

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