Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics


A. Some main point regarding the manipulation is that you don't want to make the edits to the photo too noticeable and you can't change too much with the photo that it doesn't look realistic. The photo also needs to be original and not a copy and pasted photo of someone's head on a different body.

B. Newspapers such as the NewYork times has strict guidelines that the photographers need to follow in order to keep there job. They have to make sure no colors are altered from the original photo.

C. To edit your photo to make it look better is you could make some of the colors stand out and make certain object appear and certain size but aren't really that size. Tiny adjustment to the photo that an onlooker will not tell be a quick look.


This is bad ethics because someone is not supposed to tell the photo was not actually taken. In this photo you can tell that the photographer just copied and pasted the face of Oprah onto a models body. This photo has no originality to it.  


This is a good picture of ethics because the picture it still in its original form something was just ADDED  to it. The colors are the same and the size of the people are the same. From a quick glance you can not tell that that photo has been altered. 

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