Thursday, September 15, 2016

Post Shoot Reflection

  1. For m prompt shoot the hardest thing for me was to find something that was different and unique that not many people had seen. 
  2. I was most worried on how my camera was focused and what angle to hold the camera to get the good picture. 
  3. I would try to place the center of the photo in a different areas instead in the dead center of the photo. I would also try to do some more make some of the photos more dramatic with the lighting. 
  4. I would continue to  use the focus on the camera to make the pictures really good. 
  5. I used the rule of thirds a little bit in the picture of metal because the focal point of the picture is the farthest to the right and no in the canter of the photo.
  6. No I am not interested in shooting the same prompts because I want to have the opportunity to take pictures of different and new things. 


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1. I really liked how for the picture of Bowie they used something I had never seen before on campus. I also liked they're perspective of happy, I wouldn't have thought of using a leadership poster as happy.

2. One thing they could do is use different camera angles when taking picture, all his picture were all up close and directly in the middle of the photograph. 

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