Thursday, May 4, 2017

Merger Photo Preview

1. i think the shadows could be a problem because some of the shadows in the photo are completely cut off and one doesn't even have a shadow and it gives the photo away that it was taken at the same time.

2. I think in front of a brick wall or a solid back ground that cannot move.

3. You could do different jumps or running across the screen or area of the photo taken

4. Something tight that does not move to give away the different photos and something dark to not give away the lighting of the camera/sun on the shirt.

Graffiti Prompt Shoot


Found Object

Friday, April 28, 2017


HDR Photography

1. You will have to change the shutter speed so you can have many different pictures with different lighting so when they are mashed together they form a dark or light picture.

2. You will need a camera, a tripod to make sure the photos aren't blurry for when you need to take the photo at a low shutter speed.

3. They might wanna take a HDR photo to make the surrounding are like a painting and not like a photo and make it seem unrealistic.

4. You might see sun streaks in the sky like in many examples that will not show up in just one photo. And with many photos that are infocus can make the picture really in focus that can make small things more clear that you cannot see in just one photo.


HDR From " The Photo Argus" 

HDR From "19 Beautiful Examples of HDR Done Right" 

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Final Exam Planning

1. I plan on shooting this assignment this up coming weekend.

2. I want to shoot it at my house

3. I want to document yard work and the steps to washing your car and watering plants

4. I will only need a camera, a car, a person, and wash car supplies

5. My narration will be in the beginning and the end of the video talking about the credits and the opening. I want include the videos in the middle and at the end of the show when my dad is drying the car or vacuuming the car out. The beginning of the video will start out showing the tools needed for the car wash and then the step by step process of how to clean the car, sweep leaves after its done and water plants.

My Opinion Story

Foreign Aid 

             Money sent by foreign aid can help the economy in a developing country and their poverty. Schools, better structure for government, and businesses can all be built with foreign aid. The United I believe foreign aid is very helpful to a poor country and some countries should get more foreign aid.
With the new president Donald Trump making threats and passing new laws to prevent immigrants from coming illegally into the United States, the developing countries need more money to prevent their people from leaving. Many people leave their country to find a job and get a better life, and with the foreign aid the countries can get a better economy so their people can stay in their country.
            Along with that since many people living here that are illegal are being sent back to where they came from they are going to a place with danger, violence and poverty. Them being sent back endangers their children unless money or foreign aid can help the government have better structure and control of their country.
            34 million dollars are given to Guatemala as foreign aid to help them out of the 35 billion dollars the US donates as a whole. While there is a possibility that some of the countries use the money in the wrong way, many other countries such as Guatemala depend and rely on the money in order to keep their economy alive and running for just one more day.
            Guatemala, Mexico, Haiti, Colombia, Honduras and El Salvador are some of the Central American and Latin American countries that are provided a tiny amount of money to help them economically, but are reliable trading partners with the USA. These countries provide the US with resources that we use every day and the United States can do a lot more by providing them with more money to not have them not be developing countries anymore. It can be a bigger and better thank you for what they do for us.
            Starbucks is a popular drink place where many people go to get a good cheap cup of coffee. Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam and Indonesia are some of the United States largest and biggest coffee bean traders and sellers. All of those countries are considered developing countries and none of them get more than 400 million dollars to help the economy improve their living and poverty. And yet they give us something a lot of people need and want every day.
            Many people and families that live in Guatemala get paid less than 1 dollar a day to pay for food, water and shelter. Along with not getting paid very much the families tend to have 3 or more children living at the house. Money sent by the United States can bring new job opportunities for a steady income even though many people cannot read or write. 
            Schools and education cost roughly 25 dollars to buy and pay for books, about 30% of all Guatemalans cannot read or write because they cannot afford the expenses. With the help of foreign aid many banks such as the Grameen Bank can be built to give out loans to people who are in desperate need of help.  Loans can help a family begin a new life and start a new business if the loans are paid off and the business does well.
            Foreign aid can pay for medicines and doctors’ offices for children who become sick in the poor working and environmental conditions. 19 out of a thousand children die because of the poor conditions people in Guatemala live in, most only have concrete walls a wooden roof and some rugs to sleep on. Better health by having doctors and a better home will lower the amount of deaths of children and will increase their survival.

            One million dollars could be the life of death of some people in developing countries. With the help from the US government by giving more, or even you by donating at charities can help those in need. Even if you don’t own much, a little bit can go a long way.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Personal Essays

1. The author gave good advice that your story needs to be something that you're passionate about, something that you can really sell and make people believe you.

2. You need to be specific when backing up your evidence. Readers like facts and statistics and not generalizations those keep the reader away.

3. You should avoid rants in your opinion story because rants can lose a reader and not make then connect with your personally. Making connections can also help when writing a story, not only using statistics but also including individual experiences that make the reader more emotional. Using the 5 senses in your stories helps the reader understand and get a clear visual of what you're picturing and how you want them to view it.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Slo Practice- Warm Up

1. B
2. C

Sarah and her new husband Josh are walking down the isle greeting there gest that came to the wedding. Josh and Sarah spent months planning this wedding to make it perfect and choose there wedding cake to be chocolate.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Option Writing Preview #1

1. editoriorial
2. about the new president and the new immigration laws against immigrants coming to the USA
3. "We should do everything we can to reach out to the world's immigrants in an effort to continue to be the world leader."
4. Yes they did
5. They really stuck to the facts in this story and didn't voice their opinion too much but when they did they made sure not to contradict there opinion.
6. There are not quotes
7. Second person

1.  Written by reagan Wallace
2. About how Betsy De Vos is not a good secretary.
3.  "I don't believe she is prepared to lead a country's education system."
4.  No the article does not talk about the good things De Vos has done only how she is not qualified to be the head person in the US Education Department.
5. This person was not wishy washy she stuck to her opinion to not liking De Vos she stuck to her opinion and backed it up very well.
6. There are very very few quotes but not from a person she interviewed.
7. Second person

1. Ian Miller
2.  Story is about saving the school tree because it is dying and what you can do to help it.
3. "In my opinion, it's absolutely worth the price to save it"
4. Yes they did address both sides of the story
5. No they were not wishy washy they really wanted people to save the tree and thought it was necessary.
6. No there is no quotes
7. Second Person

1. Jake Brien
2. The story is about the collages and how it is important for people to attend and how much harder it is get into collage.
3. " Its not about stating to study the night before a test: its about self-perservence and a determination to succeed beyond the norm"
4. Yes did mention the other side of the story
5. It was hard to tell what there opinion was about collages and the amount of people getting into collage.
6. No did not use quotes
7. Second Person

1. Abby Ong
2. About how bowie students don't want/have to take physics in order to graduate
3. "I believe all students should take it regardless of an endorsement or future career choices"
4. Yes it does mention the other side of the story too.
5. They were kind of wishy washy the mentioned that people need to take physics but also said if theres a better science class to take that as well.
6.  No there is no quotes
7. Second person

A. A difference would be a hard story is based on facts only, opinions are your opinions because there is no right or wrong answer. The opinion story is told in first person perspective and the hard story can be told in third person. The hard story also can have quotes from other people but the opinions can't really have quotes from a interview if the story is based on what you personally think.
B. These are mainly opinion writings and peoples opinions can be different then others.
C. How you think people should handle a situation, wether its government, environmental or justice.

Peer Review Student of the Month

Paragraphs- 50
5 Quotes- 25
Inverted Pyramid- 10
Extra Credit- 5
Total- 85 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Nut Graf

A Nut Graf is the second paragraph or part to the story line. The first paragraph or intro talks about the main points of the story and gives the reader a good sense of what the story is going to be about and background information about the story. The nut graf is a summary of what happened in the situation and why the story is so important. It is not very long, maybe 2 paragraphs. It gives the reader a sense of what happened while the first paragraph explains wha the situation is.

A nut Graf is important because it is what grabs the reader and makes them want to read more to find out about the story. It has facts and important resources of where you got your information but the most important thing is to not give the ending of the story away. The point is to draw the reader in not make them stop by spoiling the ending. Another thing the nut graf does is answer any questions the reader might have while reading the story to make sure they fully understand what is going on.

Student of the Month

Who- Aidan Smith
What- award given to students that are respectful to peers and teachers, hardworking, honest and involved in the bowie community every month.
When- April 11, 2017
Where- James Bowie High School
Why - To get more information for bowie students to know more about student of the month
How - her reactions toward getting the award was happy and surprised.

   The student of the month award is an award given to a person who is respectful to peers, teachers, is hardworking, honest and involved in the Bowie community. This months student of the month was awarded to Aidan Smith on April 11, 2017 at James Bowie High School. Aidan said she was "shocked and happy" to find out she was the new student of the month.
    Administrates watch the students for a couple of week in order to decide who should be the next student of the month. There are approximately 3,000 students that attend Bowie High School, Aidan was the one chosen out of all 2,999 students for this month.

Aidan Smith described herself in three words.

 " I am honest, caring and outgoing to other people,"Smith said.

Aidan mother was asked how she felt about her daughter being the Student of the Month.

"I was very, very proud of Aidan for becoming Student of the Month,"Smiths mother said.

When Aidan becomes a senior she talked about what she wanted to accomplish before leaving Bowie High School.

" I want to become the captain of the cheerleading team at Bowie High School," said Smith.

Growing up as a kid Aidan talks about her biggest role model and why.

"My mom is my biggest role model because she is so very hardworking and selfless and puts others needs before hers," described by Smith.

Being a freshman Aidan talked about one of there favorite things so far at Bowie.

"One of my favorite things about Bowie is the amount of electives to choose from and how much of a  variety and difference there is," spoken by Smith.

"I want to attend the University of California at Los Angeles."

My First Interview

1. What is your name?


2. What grade are you in?


3. What are the qualities you think about with the Student of the Month?

Someone who is respectful to peer and teachers, works hard and is involved with the school

4. Is the student of the month award based on academic grades?


5. Is the student of the month award based of personality?


6. Why do you think you were chosen for student of the month?

         It is a mixture of both 

7. Is you in any activities outside of school?

       Yes, Cheerleading 

8. What is your  favorite subject?


9. What does the you want to be when you grow up?

Interior Designer 

10. What college does the student of the month want to attend?


11. How do you see yourself in 10 years?

Out of college, has a good job and living in California 

12. What do you wish to accomplish by you senior year?

I want to be captain of the varsity of the cheerleading team 

13. Describe yourself in 3 words?

Honest, Caring, and outgoing

14. What is your favorite thing about bowie high school?

There are so many electives to choose from at bowie

15. Outside your family and friends, what do you respect the most?

my coaches 

16. What is your biggest accomplishment in high school so far?

Making the varsity cheerleading as a freshmen 

17. How did your parents feel about you getting the award?

They were very proud 

18. How did your friends react to you getting the award?

They were very jealous 

19. How did you react to getting the award?

I was very happy 

20. Who is your biggest role model?

My mom because she is so very hardworking and selfless and puts others needs before hers. 

Inverted Pyramid

Friday, April 7, 2017

Video Analysis

Video #1 
A. Sam Adams
B. Biking
C. Didn't like where some of the objects where placed in photos, wish there was more action in some, bad lighting, photos don't look realistic
D. Liked Shadow and jay walker in 2 photos
E.  The photos were ok, some of the photos didn't do anything for me and didn't grab my attention. The subject in some of the photos were not clear to me.

Video #2
A. Justin Mott
B. Poverty
C. Wished the emotion in some could have been more grabbing, some photos had bad intentional blur, some photos were confusing and didn't know what they were looking at.
D.  Some photos had really good emotion, like how the photographer was trying new things with his photos, good composition, mood and light
E. I liked this photographer because he could really capture and tell the story of poverty in other countries and doesn't shoot the ordinary things in life.

Video #3
A. Melissa Golden
B. Old People & Make Up Day
C. Out of focus, missed important parts of photos, too much stuff in the background, distracting power lines in photos
D. Good portrait photo, captures full story in photo
E. I did not like the photographer because it took them a very long time to actually present and show their theme and story. Many photos were boring and never got any of my attention from them.

Video #4
A. Carlos Delgado
B. Hardships and Hard Times
C. Cluttered background, exposure of colors are too bright, can't see faces
E. Many photos were very cluttered with items in the background or foreground. Levels of composition in colored photos were too bright. Many items in photo seemed unrealistic.

2A. Nice color composition, photographer seems to be doing activities along with the people in the photos. very creative

2B. I liked how the photographer really got into the action and wasn't afraid to get dirty. He made the viewers feel like they are in that moment and experiencing that time in the past.

3A. The looked at the story line and if the photographer followed their story or if the story was easily noticeable. They also looked to see if the portfolio was put together nicely and flows with the story. Along with that they made sure no photos were fillers to make the portfolio seem really long.


1. I agree witht he judges when they chose the rugby photo first in the action category. The emotion in the photo makes the view want to know what happened afterwards and cringe. And it is something that wasn't planned to happen, which makes it that much hard to capture.

2. I did not agree with the women being attacked by the goose. The photo didn't make me feel anything and didn't make me want to look at it many different times. The sumo wrestler should have been first because there was line sin the photo from the escalator and also had emotion from other people in the photo. And it made me want to know more about the story and makes me have a lot of questions about the situation.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Learning How to Interview

Topic: School Uniforms

Sources:  Head of the School Board, School Principle, A Teacher, A Student

20 Questions: 

1. What is the School Uniform Policy?
2. Why is it becoming a rule for every school?
3. What is your opinion about the new rule?
4. Why do you think the policy is good?
5. Why do you think the policy is bad?
6.  How are you going to enforce this new policy?
7. Do you think the new policy will improve how the school is run?
8. Do you feel this is the most important issue for the school board to be focused on?
9. Will the parents of the students be affected by this rule?
10. Will the students academic education affect them in any way?
11. Will the new school uniform affect any religions or cultures in the school?
12. Are the uniforms affordable for everyone to buy?
13. Are the teachers of the school going to enforce the new uniform policy?
14. Is the new policy for the entire school?
15. What policy is going to be in place for those who break the uniform rule?
16. Do you believe the new policy is breaking the students constitutional rights?
17. Do you think this new policy will cause peace with the students at the school about the rule?
18. Are the uniforms practical for all seasons of the year?
19. Do you believe the new uniforms will help with gender identity among the students?
20. Will the uniforms prevent bullying or hazing at the school?

Topic: Student of the Month

Sources: Student of the Month

20 Questions:

1. What is your name
2. What grade are you in?
3. What are the qualities you think about with the Student of the Month?
4. Is the student of the month award based on academic grades?
5. Is the student of the month award based of personality?
6. Why do you think you were chosen for student of the month?
7. Is you in any activities outside of school?
8. What is your  favorite subject?
9. What does the you want to be when you grow up?
10. What college does the student of the month want to attend?
11. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
12. What do you wish to accomplish by you senior year?
13. Describe yourself in 3 words?
14. What is your favorite school subject?
15. Outside your family and friends, what do you respect the most?
16. What is your biggest accomplishment in high school so far?
17. How did your parents feel about you getting the award?
18. How did your friends react to you getting the award?
19. How did you react to getting the award?
20. Who is your biggest role model?


Friday, March 24, 2017

Architecture #2

Building #1
Hundertwasserhaus Building Germany 


Angels and Shapes 




Building #2 
Eden Project, United Kingdom 





Angels and Shapes 

Building #3
Krzywy Domek, Poland 



Could Not Find Patterns or Shapes and Angels 
Building #4
Longaberger, United States 

Shapes and Angels




Building #5
Cubic Houses, Netherlands 

Shapes and Angels 




Could Not Find Details 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Architecture Preview #1

 Hundertwasserhaus, Germany 

1. Artist- Friedensreich Hundertwasser
2. Built in the 1990s
3. Located in Darmstadt, Germany
4. It is a private property and not open for visitors
5. Does not say how much it cost
6. It was created like a onion domes that has many different layers to the building
7. I chose this building because germany to me is a country that has many unique items in it and is something really different and interesting to me. I also really like anything with nature because nature to me is something really important so i like seeing building that promote the growth of plants and nature. One of my favorite eye catchers or eye line is the spiral because it is something that my eyes draw to and love looking at in pictures or stair cases in building. Both nature and spirals are in the title of the building so that is why i chose it.

Eden Project, United Kingdom 

1. Nicholas Grimshaw
2. Completed in 2000s
3. Cornwall, England
4. No it is not private, it is a very popular visitor attraction
5. Cost 141 million euros to build
6. It preserves and helps plants to grow and is a mini forest inside two domes
7. I chose this building because i am a Christian and the building is called Eden so i though it was going to be centered around god and his first creation of humans like a church. Along with that in the bible it has a story about The Garden of Eden so i also though the building was going to be covered in trees and mosses and look like a hill but is actually a building. And I have been to the UK  before and it is very lush and green over there and is really foggy so I knew the building was going to be around trees but also in a place that created a lot of fog to give the building a haunted look.

Krzywy Domek, Poland 

1. Szotynscy and Zaleski
2. Built in 2004
3. Sopot, Poland
4. No it is not private
5. Does not say how much it cost
6. The house was built based on the fairytale of Jan Marcin
7. I chose this house out of the other because the name of the building kind of sounds like crazy so I was thinking the house was going to be different and unique. I have neighbors that were born in Poland and they go there every summer so I thought it would be interesting to see what they see every time they go up to Poland. I also thought it would be cool to have something in common that my neighbors may not know about since this building is in the top 50 most strange buildings.

The Longaberger Company, USA

1. Dave Longaberger
2. Company started in 1973
3. Dresden, Ohio
4. Yes it is private since it is a business
5. Does not say how much it cost
6. The house was built because the company sells wooden baskets
7. My aunt and my mom both have a Longaberger basket that they use when we want to carry something or hold something at the grocery store so I wanted to see what the company building looked like. Because I knew what the company made as a product I knew they had been around for a long time and will continue to be around for a long time. The company/building is also in the United States so it was cool that the US had something unique to offer.

Cubic Houses, Netherlands

1. Piet Bolm
2. 1974 and in 1977
3. Rotterdamn and Helmon in the Netherlands
4. Yes it is private, they are homes
5. Does not say the cost of building
6. One house represents one tree so all the houses combined represent a forest. The idea for the cubes was to save space but have lots of room to for comfort inside.
7. When I first read the title "Cubic Houses" it really confused me because I couldn't how a house that was a cube could be so unique and out of the world. My house studied abroad in the Netherlands so she got to visit there and said that it was really pretty and amazing to see, so I thought I would get a look at what made it so unique.

Sensory Overload

1. I think this statement is very accurate because the people we surround our selves with our the items we buy at the store defines us and tells people what our personality is. And as we buy more things because of our personality that is how the environment will look like. So i would agree with this statement. This quote makes me feel like our picture we take are like the objects or devices we buy and the pictures help shape what the environment is like.

2. I would want to visit this place because i went to a flea market in Hawaii and it looked very similar to the photos on the website.

3. If i were a child i think it would be very hard to grow up with the ability to want and by things because the competition for the parents to sell their items is very hard because there is so many people selling stuff at the same time.

4. My favorite photo is the one where the shop has a bunch of China and good plates. But what i really like about it is that there is a little girl and her mom sitting at a table with calculators and papers around her and it looks like the little girl is doing her homework. i like the shop because the colors are not too overwhelming to where you can't see anything but just enough brightness to catch your eyes.

Prompt Shoot #5

Cara is acting like a bird and running toward a bird while peter is watching her and judging what she is doing. Cara is 14 years old and Peter is 15 years old and attends James Bowie High School and are both freshmen. 

Jun is running away from a bee that is flying around behind him. Jun is from Soel South Korea and is a freshmen at James Bowie High School and has a fear of bees. 

Cara is demonstrating her most popular jump called "The Buddha". Cara went to india when she was little and feel in love with the country and its colors and wants to go back when she gets older. 

Caras orange sits on the phone to avoid getting dirty from  the ground. The orange is one of Caras many favorite fruits to eat as a snack after lunch. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Senior experiences the Ride of Her Life:

this story is about a girl names Celeste Hermes who loves riding. She wen tot a camp when she as little and rode horses and fell in love with riding them. She has Cystic Fibrosis which is a terminal disease that affects the lungs and breathing. She was apart of a the Make A Wish foundation which is how she got her first horse. She connected with her horse when she went to camp and new instantly that he was the horse for her.

Who- Hermes Family and Friend
What- Celeste riding her horse
When- Senior Year
Where- Scissortail Hill Equestrians and at home  
Why- Shares story about life changing experience
How- Celeste got her hoe from the Make A Wish foundation was how she got her horse
Who was Quoted in the Story- Celeste Hermes, Lou Hermes and Elizabeth Jones
Quote- "He was the only horse that I tried and I loved it and I loves his riding style and the way he treated to me so I knew I wanted him". Celeste Hermes. this quote came from the middle of the story when she was describing her horse, it made me want to read more about their friendship and experiences together.
Yes the leading sentence made me want to keep reading because it had a lot of imagery of the hooves beating against the ground, it makes you wonder what is happening.

Science Fair Rules On Campus:

Science fair was held on January 13 after school in the science rooms. There were 12 different categories that the students were in. The winner of the bowie science fair was Connor Larkin in the computer science category for "Wife Signals Strength Through Different Building Materials and Humidity." the winners of the science fair were called up one by one for their awards according to the project category.

Who- All Bowie science fair participants
What- Experiences in the bowie science fair
When- January 12, 2016
Where- James Bowie Highschool
Why- To share experiences and knowledge about the science fair and what their projects where about.
How- The students did the experiment and then presented their experiment and ideas to a group of judges for the bowie science fair
Who was quoted- Emily Morales, Alex Paulson, Matthew Musat and Trace Hurd.
Quote " Honestly I did not have fun doing the project but I like how it turned out" Alex Paulson. This quote is in the middle of the story and it is good because it made u want to read about how kids don't like the science fair but they like how it turned out.
I believe the sentence starter for this article as ok, it could have grabbed me in a little better by not starting off by talking about the science fair and the date.

Inherit Fortunes with Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events":

About the cast of a series of unfortunate events and the story line. The series was released on netflix on Friday the 13 and is about a family with unordinary traits live in their orphanage after their parents died in a fire. One girl has sharp teeth and can cut anything and another one has the brains of a genus. It is based off a book by Snicket and his 13 book series.

Who- Narrator of book, Cast of A Series of Unfortunate Events
What- The new Netflix TV series
When- Friday the 13
Where- Netflix
Why - A very popular TV show and is based off a 13 series long book and has a very interesting plot that people haven't seen before
How- They get the peoples attention in the beginning of the shows by have a theme song for each episode after one book.
Who was quoted- Justine Lockhart
The most interning part of the story was paragraph 4 when they were describing the characters and what they do and how they are special and different then anyone else.
I don't believe the beginning sentence is a good one and makes me want to read more because if someone was actually interested in reading a happy story they might actually skip the story and read something else.

The photo on B7 is the eye catcher, it is the main photo on the page because it is the biggest. The yoyo in the picture creates lines in the photo because the string is catching your eyes first in the left corner of the photo. The photo really shows how good of a yoyoer he is.
I see lines in the photo with his shirt and the yoyo its self.
The boy Matthew Lane is the main subject of the story.
The photo is in black and white so i don't know if it is exposed properly, but it is in focus and even when its in black and white its not bright enough to where u cant see it but not dark enough its black.
Shallow depth of field because the boy and the yoyo is the only thing in the photo.

The photo in A2 that i chose is the one where

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Literary Magazine

Deep in the Heart 

Coming Home 
Safe Haven  

Barren Discovery 

Front Pages of the Magazine

1. I liked the Post Star from Glens Falls New York because the focal point of the magazine is the picture placed directly in the middle of the newspaper. The stories are also very easy to follow and easy to see were they start and end and the separation of each story.

2. The most interesting headline in the newspaper is the one that is titled "Drugs Have Vanished From Some VA Hospitals." I am interested in it because it is a really big deal to have drugs gone missing and i want to know how it happened and what people are going to do to catch who ever did it or fix the problem.

3. There are 4 stories posted on the front of this magazine

4. Most of them are very similar to the yearbook designs. The all mostly have a main photo that catches peoples eye that is bigger then everything else. The titles are bigger then the text to draw attention to it. Along with having a main photo each story has a small photo to go along with it and has something to do with the story being told.

5. Some front pages are mainly photographs and others are mainly text. Some front pages have different adds for other companies and coupons attached to them too. Some newspapers have quotes bolded in the stories told by people and other stories don't include that.