Thursday, April 13, 2017

My First Interview

1. What is your name?


2. What grade are you in?


3. What are the qualities you think about with the Student of the Month?

Someone who is respectful to peer and teachers, works hard and is involved with the school

4. Is the student of the month award based on academic grades?


5. Is the student of the month award based of personality?


6. Why do you think you were chosen for student of the month?

         It is a mixture of both 

7. Is you in any activities outside of school?

       Yes, Cheerleading 

8. What is your  favorite subject?


9. What does the you want to be when you grow up?

Interior Designer 

10. What college does the student of the month want to attend?


11. How do you see yourself in 10 years?

Out of college, has a good job and living in California 

12. What do you wish to accomplish by you senior year?

I want to be captain of the varsity of the cheerleading team 

13. Describe yourself in 3 words?

Honest, Caring, and outgoing

14. What is your favorite thing about bowie high school?

There are so many electives to choose from at bowie

15. Outside your family and friends, what do you respect the most?

my coaches 

16. What is your biggest accomplishment in high school so far?

Making the varsity cheerleading as a freshmen 

17. How did your parents feel about you getting the award?

They were very proud 

18. How did your friends react to you getting the award?

They were very jealous 

19. How did you react to getting the award?

I was very happy 

20. Who is your biggest role model?

My mom because she is so very hardworking and selfless and puts others needs before hers. 

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