Thursday, April 27, 2017

My Opinion Story

Foreign Aid 

             Money sent by foreign aid can help the economy in a developing country and their poverty. Schools, better structure for government, and businesses can all be built with foreign aid. The United I believe foreign aid is very helpful to a poor country and some countries should get more foreign aid.
With the new president Donald Trump making threats and passing new laws to prevent immigrants from coming illegally into the United States, the developing countries need more money to prevent their people from leaving. Many people leave their country to find a job and get a better life, and with the foreign aid the countries can get a better economy so their people can stay in their country.
            Along with that since many people living here that are illegal are being sent back to where they came from they are going to a place with danger, violence and poverty. Them being sent back endangers their children unless money or foreign aid can help the government have better structure and control of their country.
            34 million dollars are given to Guatemala as foreign aid to help them out of the 35 billion dollars the US donates as a whole. While there is a possibility that some of the countries use the money in the wrong way, many other countries such as Guatemala depend and rely on the money in order to keep their economy alive and running for just one more day.
            Guatemala, Mexico, Haiti, Colombia, Honduras and El Salvador are some of the Central American and Latin American countries that are provided a tiny amount of money to help them economically, but are reliable trading partners with the USA. These countries provide the US with resources that we use every day and the United States can do a lot more by providing them with more money to not have them not be developing countries anymore. It can be a bigger and better thank you for what they do for us.
            Starbucks is a popular drink place where many people go to get a good cheap cup of coffee. Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam and Indonesia are some of the United States largest and biggest coffee bean traders and sellers. All of those countries are considered developing countries and none of them get more than 400 million dollars to help the economy improve their living and poverty. And yet they give us something a lot of people need and want every day.
            Many people and families that live in Guatemala get paid less than 1 dollar a day to pay for food, water and shelter. Along with not getting paid very much the families tend to have 3 or more children living at the house. Money sent by the United States can bring new job opportunities for a steady income even though many people cannot read or write. 
            Schools and education cost roughly 25 dollars to buy and pay for books, about 30% of all Guatemalans cannot read or write because they cannot afford the expenses. With the help of foreign aid many banks such as the Grameen Bank can be built to give out loans to people who are in desperate need of help.  Loans can help a family begin a new life and start a new business if the loans are paid off and the business does well.
            Foreign aid can pay for medicines and doctors’ offices for children who become sick in the poor working and environmental conditions. 19 out of a thousand children die because of the poor conditions people in Guatemala live in, most only have concrete walls a wooden roof and some rugs to sleep on. Better health by having doctors and a better home will lower the amount of deaths of children and will increase their survival.

            One million dollars could be the life of death of some people in developing countries. With the help from the US government by giving more, or even you by donating at charities can help those in need. Even if you don’t own much, a little bit can go a long way.

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