Thursday, April 20, 2017

Option Writing Preview #1

1. editoriorial
2. about the new president and the new immigration laws against immigrants coming to the USA
3. "We should do everything we can to reach out to the world's immigrants in an effort to continue to be the world leader."
4. Yes they did
5. They really stuck to the facts in this story and didn't voice their opinion too much but when they did they made sure not to contradict there opinion.
6. There are not quotes
7. Second person

1.  Written by reagan Wallace
2. About how Betsy De Vos is not a good secretary.
3.  "I don't believe she is prepared to lead a country's education system."
4.  No the article does not talk about the good things De Vos has done only how she is not qualified to be the head person in the US Education Department.
5. This person was not wishy washy she stuck to her opinion to not liking De Vos she stuck to her opinion and backed it up very well.
6. There are very very few quotes but not from a person she interviewed.
7. Second person

1. Ian Miller
2.  Story is about saving the school tree because it is dying and what you can do to help it.
3. "In my opinion, it's absolutely worth the price to save it"
4. Yes they did address both sides of the story
5. No they were not wishy washy they really wanted people to save the tree and thought it was necessary.
6. No there is no quotes
7. Second Person

1. Jake Brien
2. The story is about the collages and how it is important for people to attend and how much harder it is get into collage.
3. " Its not about stating to study the night before a test: its about self-perservence and a determination to succeed beyond the norm"
4. Yes did mention the other side of the story
5. It was hard to tell what there opinion was about collages and the amount of people getting into collage.
6. No did not use quotes
7. Second Person

1. Abby Ong
2. About how bowie students don't want/have to take physics in order to graduate
3. "I believe all students should take it regardless of an endorsement or future career choices"
4. Yes it does mention the other side of the story too.
5. They were kind of wishy washy the mentioned that people need to take physics but also said if theres a better science class to take that as well.
6.  No there is no quotes
7. Second person

A. A difference would be a hard story is based on facts only, opinions are your opinions because there is no right or wrong answer. The opinion story is told in first person perspective and the hard story can be told in third person. The hard story also can have quotes from other people but the opinions can't really have quotes from a interview if the story is based on what you personally think.
B. These are mainly opinion writings and peoples opinions can be different then others.
C. How you think people should handle a situation, wether its government, environmental or justice.

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