Thursday, March 23, 2017

Architecture Preview #1

 Hundertwasserhaus, Germany 

1. Artist- Friedensreich Hundertwasser
2. Built in the 1990s
3. Located in Darmstadt, Germany
4. It is a private property and not open for visitors
5. Does not say how much it cost
6. It was created like a onion domes that has many different layers to the building
7. I chose this building because germany to me is a country that has many unique items in it and is something really different and interesting to me. I also really like anything with nature because nature to me is something really important so i like seeing building that promote the growth of plants and nature. One of my favorite eye catchers or eye line is the spiral because it is something that my eyes draw to and love looking at in pictures or stair cases in building. Both nature and spirals are in the title of the building so that is why i chose it.

Eden Project, United Kingdom 

1. Nicholas Grimshaw
2. Completed in 2000s
3. Cornwall, England
4. No it is not private, it is a very popular visitor attraction
5. Cost 141 million euros to build
6. It preserves and helps plants to grow and is a mini forest inside two domes
7. I chose this building because i am a Christian and the building is called Eden so i though it was going to be centered around god and his first creation of humans like a church. Along with that in the bible it has a story about The Garden of Eden so i also though the building was going to be covered in trees and mosses and look like a hill but is actually a building. And I have been to the UK  before and it is very lush and green over there and is really foggy so I knew the building was going to be around trees but also in a place that created a lot of fog to give the building a haunted look.

Krzywy Domek, Poland 

1. Szotynscy and Zaleski
2. Built in 2004
3. Sopot, Poland
4. No it is not private
5. Does not say how much it cost
6. The house was built based on the fairytale of Jan Marcin
7. I chose this house out of the other because the name of the building kind of sounds like crazy so I was thinking the house was going to be different and unique. I have neighbors that were born in Poland and they go there every summer so I thought it would be interesting to see what they see every time they go up to Poland. I also thought it would be cool to have something in common that my neighbors may not know about since this building is in the top 50 most strange buildings.

The Longaberger Company, USA

1. Dave Longaberger
2. Company started in 1973
3. Dresden, Ohio
4. Yes it is private since it is a business
5. Does not say how much it cost
6. The house was built because the company sells wooden baskets
7. My aunt and my mom both have a Longaberger basket that they use when we want to carry something or hold something at the grocery store so I wanted to see what the company building looked like. Because I knew what the company made as a product I knew they had been around for a long time and will continue to be around for a long time. The company/building is also in the United States so it was cool that the US had something unique to offer.

Cubic Houses, Netherlands

1. Piet Bolm
2. 1974 and in 1977
3. Rotterdamn and Helmon in the Netherlands
4. Yes it is private, they are homes
5. Does not say the cost of building
6. One house represents one tree so all the houses combined represent a forest. The idea for the cubes was to save space but have lots of room to for comfort inside.
7. When I first read the title "Cubic Houses" it really confused me because I couldn't how a house that was a cube could be so unique and out of the world. My house studied abroad in the Netherlands so she got to visit there and said that it was really pretty and amazing to see, so I thought I would get a look at what made it so unique.

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