Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Extra Credit

1. A man names Han was pushed into a subway track by another man in New York City. Han was unable to get himself out of the train tracks and the photographer Umar Abbasi was there when it happened and was unable to get Han out of the tracks so he took photos with the flash to try and stop the train. But the attempt failed and Han was killed by the train

2. The photographer said he took the photo because he was unable to get Han out of the tracks and used his flash on his camera to try and stop the train in time.

3. I do not think the photographer should have taken the photo because as you can see from the photo Han could have made it out of the train tracks if you tried hard enough and there might have been people around to help, which there are some people in the background of the photo.

4. In this case i don't believe the photographer chose the best decision, he could have saved Han or gotten the peoples attention in the background to come help if he was not strong enough to pull him out.

5. I don't agree that the New York Times should have put that photo on the front page of the magazine. The family probably went through some real rough times and its a very disturbing image too look at. That photo was taken just seconds before Han was killed and as you can see he knew he was going to die and that must be hard for his family to look at along with friends and people who knew him.

6. I think it is more important for a photojournalist to try and stop bad things from happening then getting a photo. The photographer Umar has to live with the guilt and regret of not being able to save Han or try and get someone to help but instead he got a good/sad photographic.

7.  I believe it is ethically acceptable for photographer to involve him/herself in the photographic they are taking because in this case the photographer could have saved the man.

8. Yes i do believe photographers should avoid influencing events that happen because if you were like this photographer you be in a lot of trouble and questioned why you didn't save him when you could have

9. "How does “taking pictures” tell a conductor to stop a train? Huh? Is this photographer guy a moron? Throw down your camera and run to help the guy. If you fail, at least you tried. Taking pictures isn’t trying. What conductor would think, “Oh, look, someone’s taking pictures…maybe I should stop the train.”
i think this is the best response from a photographer about the situation because it shows the logic of the what the guy was doing wrong and how his thought process was right. It also shows that he could have done more in the situation to try and save Han. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Josep Lee lays on the ground as he just finished the Boston Marathon on August 2 2016. Lee has been training very hard for this marathon and has spent years on the track running and timing himself to prepare.

Richard "sweet" Neilson also known as Mr.Sweet has just made a total of 1 million pies at his bakery "sweet things". Mr.Sweet has opened his bakery in 1990 when he was just 20 and has been in the same location since, his passion for baking has brought him fame and has become the most popular bakery in town.


Rule of thirds- The photo is broken up by thirds and the main subject of the photo is placed at the top, bottom left or right side of the photo.
Balancing elements- the objects in the photo doing the same thing or are similar in some way.
leading lines- the lines in the photo direct your eyes to look at the subject or pain focal point in the photograph
symmetry and patterns- 
view point- where the photographer is taking the photo might not be directly in front of the photo the photographer might take the photo above or below the subject.

Magazine Covers

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Top 100 photos

1. I chose this picture because the read is a eye catcher and the drops on white leading into the center of the paint captures your eye.
2. I read about how it was very hard for the photographer Edgerton had a real hard time trying to capture the moments of when the milk hit the table. It was too dark so he had to used a lot of equipment and bright lights to capture the milk hitting the table.
3. In order to get the picture of things happening so fast like a milk drop you have to get a tube and fill it with milk and make sure the milk comes out as one drop every few seconds. Those drops then pass through an led which triggers the camera to take the picture. This process happens every few seconds and is continuos.
this photo is one of my personal favorites because when the bullet goes through the apple it really catches your eyes of how destructive it is and the destruction leads to the bullet. 
this is one of harolds edgertons most famous photos called "The milk drop" 

harold was born in Fremont Nebraska on April 6 1903 and died  January 4, 1990 
attended the university of Nabraska. 

1. I chose this photo because the line of men and the balancing in the photo is very eye catching. also the back ground of the photo is very interesting and beautiful. 
2. I read that is photo was taken when young men were taking a lunch break while trying to build Rockefeller stadium. They had to ropes or any gear tied to them and this photo is used in New York today to symbolize how New York is unafraid to take risk and tackle hard projects like this one. No one knows who took this photo nor do they know who is in the photo but it is most reproduced photo in New York. 
3. The building of Rockefeller stadium allowed for half a million people to get jobs during the impression and made a difference with the economy 
4. no one knows who the photographer is.

this is the most famous photo

1. I chose this photo because the simplicity of the photo real makes the photograph more dramatic and special and the sun in the corner adds more depth to the photo.
2. This photo taken by Co Rentmeester was bough for 150$ to be looked at and is very closely resembled to the Nike logo. This photo was later used to create the logo for Michael Jordans shoe company Air Jordans the photo was called "jumpman" 
3. There was no video or additional information posted.
this is Co most famous photograph.
this is my favorite photo by Co because all the bodies ad all the lines leading to the center of the circle and the balance in the photo real captures my attention. 
Co Rentmesster was born on Feburary 26, 1938 in Amsterdam 

1. I chose this image because you can see the pain and all the wars and battles she had to go through on her face. There is also leading lines from the flag, mop and broom that all lead directly to her so she really stands out in the picture.
2. I read how the photographer took this photo during segregating and he traveled around and looked for African Americans and he found the women named Ella Watson and she told him about the stories of her father being murdered along with her husband and how she had to face thing alone.
3.This is the photographer took this photo in contribution of Styles of Grant of Wood.
This photo really caught my eye because the way his are looking to his left really bring in more of a dramatic feel and how his face is worried looking like someone might catch him or someone is going to kill him.
This is Gordon Parks most famous picture.
5. Gordon Parks was born on November 30,1912 in Fort Scott, Kansas. He was a self taught artist so he did not attend a college to learn his photography. He died March 7,2006

Gorilla in the Congo 
1. I picked this image because the free really catches your eye and the gorilla in the middle is black so you see all this green and then this gaint black spot in the middle. it also made me feel really sad when i first looked at it. 
2. In congo they were under attack by illegal people cutting down wood and shot and killed many of these gorillas illegally in a National park. In this photo they are peacefully caring this gorilla out of the jungle. 
3.Photo included more photos of what happened and more photos of gorilla that were shot in the incident. 

5. Born in 1969 in Durban South Africa 
he is still currently living.
he works for National Geographic.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

5 Website

Photography resolutions For 2016


1. On this website i looked at different pictures of people and how the pictures relate to what the publisher wanted. Like there was a picture of a girl sitting on the floor with papers flying around everywhere and the publisher talked about how you need to be organized for the new year in 2016 when dealing with taking photographs.

2. I learned how in 2016 you need to be yourself and shouldn't care what any one thinks about you and you pictures. You should take pictures of what you want and how you want. You need to be organized when it comes to taking photos When using photography you can use photo shop and use it more. Be respectful of other photographers and there photos and there work because they probably worked really hard on it.


1. On this website I looked at 7 different ways to take a good portrait picture. It showed me examples to follow when taking portrait pictures. It also gave me some tips when it comes to taking a portrait.

2. I learned about negative space and how many photographers try to crop out as much left over space but sometimes you can leave space around the subject and the space is called negative space.

4. I picked this photo because you eye focus in on the black berry but the main subject is the man below the black berry. I don't know who took this photo but they used some rule of thirds and balance in the photo.


1. On this website I looked at really old living things around the world. The picture were mainly of trees and nature and no people. The picture were from all around the world and on different continents.

2. I learned that nature is older then what it appears to be

I chose this photo because it uses the rule of simplicity and really focuses the lookers attention on the tree. The tree is not the best and not the fullest looking tree but because of that I like the picture much better. This photo was take by Rachel Sussman.


1. On this website I looked at staircases from a German photographer. This photographer grew up in east Germany and goes around to empty and abandoned buildings and finds staircases and takes pictures of them.

2. I learned that when taking picture if star cases it really distorts the eyes because you cannot tell whether or no you are looking down the stairs or up the stairs.


1. On this site I learned new way to create style when taking pictures. The website also gave me tips on how to create style and showed me examples of style.

2. I learned that style does not come on its own. You have to engage in the photo taking and really try to capture what the persons wants in the photo.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


1. I don't think it is right to change how someone looks that much. Everyone talks about how everyone is beautiful the way they are and yet there is companies out there that change the way people look that much. And when they change someone that much it makes other people want to look like that when in reality no one can look like that.

2. Yes. You change the picture a little bit but not the extent to where the person doesn't look the same any more.

3. Some types of changes that are ok are like chasing the background of the picture of or make some colors stand out or make it more sharp.

4. Fashion photography is photographs that are for the people and the photographers want to please the people and its for advertisement. photojournalism is taking photos of things you like and want to take pictures of. And it isn't to impress people or sell them something.

5. Both fashion and photojournalism have to deal with taking pictures. however photos for one photo are taken for peoples liking and another one is for your liking.

6. I think you are showing us these videos to show how much photoshop you can do on a photo and how unrealistic they can be. I also think you are showing us these because too much photoshop will be bad for the photo.

7. They only use girls in this photo because it is easier to photo shop girls to make them look more pretty.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post #4

Image based: this means that the cover page has people in it or is a picture of something. This is usually people smiling and having a good time. But some magazines have them not smiling. The person in the photo on the cover usually seems the item or is the main attraction to get people to buy the magazine

Illustration: where the cover is not a photograph it is a drawing of someone or something. Many of them are funny or unusual and what u wouldn't normally see everyday.

Type: where there is little to no picture on the cover only type and words. The type is only used when they want to make something dramatic and stand out by its self.

Concept: is usually a mix of all three magazine types. They point in using this is to make the audience understand what u are trying to say very soon. Usually seen in business magazines

Post #3


Photographer: Hannah Whitaker
Designer: Arem Duplessis
"This cover story by Michael Pollen argues that while we have been obsessed with eradicating germs, there are health advantages to being exposed to them. The cover shot by Hannah Whitaker of a baby being licked by a dog makes graphic the prevalence of germs in our everyday lives."

In this magazine cover babies are seen as little germs and how they have germs. along with the baby the dog is also portrayed as having germs like the baby. This is shown in a bad way and how germs are not good, but the magazine didn't want to disgust the people so they put a baby on the cover to attract people's attention and no disgust them. The lighting on the photo is good and I like how the baby and the dog are both centered in the middle and almost balanced even. 

Post #2

1. Environmental portrait
2. Informal
3. Informal
4. Environmental
5. Environmental
6. Environmental
7.  Informal
8. Informal
9. Environmental
10. Formal
11. Formal
12. Environmental
13 environmental
14. Formal
15.  Environmental
16.  Environmental
17. Informal

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Post #1

1. Familiar recognition with the brand of the magazine
2. make sure the image appeals to the lookers
3. make sure the cover catches the people walking by eyes
4. make sure there is benefits to looking at the magazine and make the reader want to open it
5. make sure u get something out of it

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Start Planning

A good tip for taking a portrait is you can sometimes add blur to make the picture be blurry but you are still able to see what is happening in the photo.

Framing the portrait can make the inject really stand out like using a blanket or bars to only show a certain part of the subject.

You can also add some movement in the photo to make the subject stand out more.

 I really liked this photo because the way the camera is facing and taking the subject it is really cool and draw you eye to the center of the net and the persons face at the end

I like how in this photo you can read and see the sign in the background but the background is blurred   to where the women in the front is standing out more. 

I like the background of this picture and how it really makes the girl stand out and look more vibrant.

I like in this one how the brick wall makes you eye lead directly towards the man at the end. 

in this photo because it is in black and white it really adds more a dramatic feel to the photo and how the photo is up close and the subject is not directly in the middle of the picture. 
again this picture is in black and white so it is more dramatic and also the girls eyes are not looking directly at the camera the are looking above. 

For my portrait i will shoot a picture of my sister and i want it to be outside in the nature where the background is blurred or of her inside and the photo will be black and white where you could get a feel of her natural habitat. I and going to do a shoulders up lind of photo and i don't want her looking at the camera i want her looking to the side of it or above it and i don't want her smiling either i want to capture her natural beauty and her true face.  Because the photos might be outside the camera will need to be set on a lower iso and a faster shutter speed but if it is inside the iso will be higher and the shutter speed will be lower and then i will photoshop the photo to make it back and white. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

American Soldier

1. The most important picture is the one called " a fathers concern " because it shows Fishers low point in his life and when everything was bad and nothing was good.

2.  The images show his life of growing up and how the military had changed his forever and his daily routine.

3. The go into more depth of what is really happening and also explain why he looks so sad or is feeling happy when he should look happy.

4.  Ian Fisher joined the army when he was 17. He was taken to a camp where he learned the basic needs of being in the military. He was not the most mature one in the group, he was always getting others into trouble and messing around. He was planning on getting married but him and his girlfriend sadly broke up and this was during the time he was getting injured all the time so he was taking a bunch of pain killers and almost becoming a drug user. He still went back to the army where he was still not fitting in. at home he was also not fitting in and he didnt know what to do so he decided to go to church and get baptized. He then got a new girl friend names Kristen and let to go to Iraq. in iraq he was in charge of driving one of the vehicles. After a while in Iraq he returns home and gets married to his wife Kristen.

5.  The verbs are in present tense, like it is happening right now.

6.  On average there is about 2-5 sentences.
      The first sentence provides information about what is happening in the photo    
      The second sentence gives you background information about what has been happening.
       the third gives you information on other object or other people in the photo.
      Some caption include a quote if someone is saying or said something

7. The photos give the exact date of when it happened and the photos are only of major events that happened or happens in life.

8. The story is able to give a lot more background information instead of just cut to the chase kind of information like the captions.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Composition Rules Part2


Rule of thirds 


simplicity (background) 




View Point



Thursday, October 27, 2016

Funny Photos

This photo is of an old man named Matt who is riding a motorcycle during the day time on a road in Kentucky. Matt was born in Kentucky and used to ride motorcycles as a kid and got arrested for riding motorcycles naked frequently.

This is a fat lady Debra riding in her fashionable car in the hood getting wendys. She was born in Texas and almost got hit by a car on her drive to the restaurant. 

While protest for something they don't know about bob looks towards something in the distance while Susan looks in the same direction who is just as lost, then there is poor Erika in the background  completely out of it, she is on medicine that makes her extremely loopy and disorientated. She was dragged here by her husband Timmy and was given her swag sunglasses by timmy because her eyes are so bad. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


1. As i worked my way through these photos my heart began to hurt and when i looked at the second to last picture i gasped at how she died and how this terribly journey can changed someone so fast in what get like a short time.

2. When he said this quote i think he means that some picture define people and what there life is like and not what it actually is. While these photos are there life and there is no 'yeah that has happened to me but in a different way" the picture are " this is exactly my life".

3. I think i could take picture like this but it would be very hard to do with my emotions but it is possible.

4. I would tell him first that i am sorry for his lost and then i would tell him that his pictures were beautiful in showing the world what really happens first hand to someone with cancer and how much things change. I never knew just what cancer looked like and how much it can change someone until now.

Prompt Shoot #2




Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Abandon Theme Parks

I woud want to go to Prypiat, Ukraine because when you look at the pictures taken you an see the old run down park. You can tell that there once was little kids running around and now its a ghost town. All of the rides have rust and the tracks for the rollarcoster are broken and all the windows in the building are broken. The grass is growing around the rides to make it look even more run down and there is graffiti all over the place and buildings.

Five places i would want to have a photo shoot is 
  1. a run down factory from the 1900's or around that time 
  2. An old attic 
  3. An old shed in the back yard 
  4. Abandoned churches  
  5. Cemetary 

It would be fun to document this location because it looks like it was once very popular and a very good company and very successful. And now when u look at it it doesn't look pretty at all. There is probably machinery inside the factory that was left and never donated. There is also probably things inside they made and didn't have enough time to sell before they went out of business. 

In order to take pictures here i would need to get a plane ticket and fly there because it is not in texas. I would have to make sure i could access it and not do anything illegal. I would need to bring extra batteries, maybe 2 cameras incase something happens to one i can have a backup and extra lenses if i wanted to take different photos with different zooms and shutter speeds.


When i first saw these photos i was really shocked because the photos do not look like they are from Africa. They looked like they were all fake or stuffed and not the actual living animals in africa. I loved the old feel of the photos because they are all in black and white. It made me feel like the animals were angelic in a way.

This photo shows a elephant in africa drinking water by itself. I love this picture because it shows the clarity and all the makes on the elephant and because the elephant is drinking water there is a direct line from its trunk to the water and it really draws you eye. The photo is also black and white so it is really authentic and old kind of feel. 

There is definitely the line rule in this photo because there is a line that connects the water to the elephant and that is what your eye is drawn too. 

brandt photographed on a medium-format black and white film without telephoto and zoom lens. This is important to know because all of his photos are in black and white because he wants people to see the life on nature an animals before the humans put there hands on them. He didn't want to use zoom lenses because he wanted to get close and really capture the real personality and characters of the animals. 

He wanted people to see what the true nature is and what animals are really like in the wild without all of the man made objects in the way. 

Brandt says "There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa" when he is asked why he choose africa to shoot his photographs. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mural Project

1. A theme we could do here at school and off school is nature because bowie is around woods and it even has a cave and you can also find forest androids outside of campus too.

2. I think we should only use cameras because using a real camera will give you the experience of using one and being a real photographer.

3. I would want to put the mural outside the classroom down stairs by the library where everyone hangs out and were everyone can see.

Friday, October 7, 2016