Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Abandon Theme Parks

I woud want to go to Prypiat, Ukraine because when you look at the pictures taken you an see the old run down park. You can tell that there once was little kids running around and now its a ghost town. All of the rides have rust and the tracks for the rollarcoster are broken and all the windows in the building are broken. The grass is growing around the rides to make it look even more run down and there is graffiti all over the place and buildings.

Five places i would want to have a photo shoot is 
  1. a run down factory from the 1900's or around that time 
  2. An old attic 
  3. An old shed in the back yard 
  4. Abandoned churches  
  5. Cemetary 

It would be fun to document this location because it looks like it was once very popular and a very good company and very successful. And now when u look at it it doesn't look pretty at all. There is probably machinery inside the factory that was left and never donated. There is also probably things inside they made and didn't have enough time to sell before they went out of business. 

In order to take pictures here i would need to get a plane ticket and fly there because it is not in texas. I would have to make sure i could access it and not do anything illegal. I would need to bring extra batteries, maybe 2 cameras incase something happens to one i can have a backup and extra lenses if i wanted to take different photos with different zooms and shutter speeds.

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