Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Top 100 photos

1. I chose this picture because the read is a eye catcher and the drops on white leading into the center of the paint captures your eye.
2. I read about how it was very hard for the photographer Edgerton had a real hard time trying to capture the moments of when the milk hit the table. It was too dark so he had to used a lot of equipment and bright lights to capture the milk hitting the table.
3. In order to get the picture of things happening so fast like a milk drop you have to get a tube and fill it with milk and make sure the milk comes out as one drop every few seconds. Those drops then pass through an led which triggers the camera to take the picture. This process happens every few seconds and is continuos.
this photo is one of my personal favorites because when the bullet goes through the apple it really catches your eyes of how destructive it is and the destruction leads to the bullet. 
this is one of harolds edgertons most famous photos called "The milk drop" 

harold was born in Fremont Nebraska on April 6 1903 and died  January 4, 1990 
attended the university of Nabraska. 

1. I chose this photo because the line of men and the balancing in the photo is very eye catching. also the back ground of the photo is very interesting and beautiful. 
2. I read that is photo was taken when young men were taking a lunch break while trying to build Rockefeller stadium. They had to ropes or any gear tied to them and this photo is used in New York today to symbolize how New York is unafraid to take risk and tackle hard projects like this one. No one knows who took this photo nor do they know who is in the photo but it is most reproduced photo in New York. 
3. The building of Rockefeller stadium allowed for half a million people to get jobs during the impression and made a difference with the economy 
4. no one knows who the photographer is.

this is the most famous photo

1. I chose this photo because the simplicity of the photo real makes the photograph more dramatic and special and the sun in the corner adds more depth to the photo.
2. This photo taken by Co Rentmeester was bough for 150$ to be looked at and is very closely resembled to the Nike logo. This photo was later used to create the logo for Michael Jordans shoe company Air Jordans the photo was called "jumpman" 
3. There was no video or additional information posted.
this is Co most famous photograph.
this is my favorite photo by Co because all the bodies ad all the lines leading to the center of the circle and the balance in the photo real captures my attention. 
Co Rentmesster was born on Feburary 26, 1938 in Amsterdam 

1. I chose this image because you can see the pain and all the wars and battles she had to go through on her face. There is also leading lines from the flag, mop and broom that all lead directly to her so she really stands out in the picture.
2. I read how the photographer took this photo during segregating and he traveled around and looked for African Americans and he found the women named Ella Watson and she told him about the stories of her father being murdered along with her husband and how she had to face thing alone.
3.This is the photographer took this photo in contribution of Styles of Grant of Wood.
This photo really caught my eye because the way his are looking to his left really bring in more of a dramatic feel and how his face is worried looking like someone might catch him or someone is going to kill him.
This is Gordon Parks most famous picture.
5. Gordon Parks was born on November 30,1912 in Fort Scott, Kansas. He was a self taught artist so he did not attend a college to learn his photography. He died March 7,2006

Gorilla in the Congo 
1. I picked this image because the free really catches your eye and the gorilla in the middle is black so you see all this green and then this gaint black spot in the middle. it also made me feel really sad when i first looked at it. 
2. In congo they were under attack by illegal people cutting down wood and shot and killed many of these gorillas illegally in a National park. In this photo they are peacefully caring this gorilla out of the jungle. 
3.Photo included more photos of what happened and more photos of gorilla that were shot in the incident. 

5. Born in 1969 in Durban South Africa 
he is still currently living.
he works for National Geographic.

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