Tuesday, October 18, 2016


When i first saw these photos i was really shocked because the photos do not look like they are from Africa. They looked like they were all fake or stuffed and not the actual living animals in africa. I loved the old feel of the photos because they are all in black and white. It made me feel like the animals were angelic in a way.

This photo shows a elephant in africa drinking water by itself. I love this picture because it shows the clarity and all the makes on the elephant and because the elephant is drinking water there is a direct line from its trunk to the water and it really draws you eye. The photo is also black and white so it is really authentic and old kind of feel. 

There is definitely the line rule in this photo because there is a line that connects the water to the elephant and that is what your eye is drawn too. 

brandt photographed on a medium-format black and white film without telephoto and zoom lens. This is important to know because all of his photos are in black and white because he wants people to see the life on nature an animals before the humans put there hands on them. He didn't want to use zoom lenses because he wanted to get close and really capture the real personality and characters of the animals. 

He wanted people to see what the true nature is and what animals are really like in the wild without all of the man made objects in the way. 

Brandt says "There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa" when he is asked why he choose africa to shoot his photographs. 

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