Tuesday, October 25, 2016


1. As i worked my way through these photos my heart began to hurt and when i looked at the second to last picture i gasped at how she died and how this terribly journey can changed someone so fast in what get like a short time.

2. When he said this quote i think he means that some picture define people and what there life is like and not what it actually is. While these photos are there life and there is no 'yeah that has happened to me but in a different way" the picture are " this is exactly my life".

3. I think i could take picture like this but it would be very hard to do with my emotions but it is possible.

4. I would tell him first that i am sorry for his lost and then i would tell him that his pictures were beautiful in showing the world what really happens first hand to someone with cancer and how much things change. I never knew just what cancer looked like and how much it can change someone until now.

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