Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post #3


Photographer: Hannah Whitaker
Designer: Arem Duplessis
"This cover story by Michael Pollen argues that while we have been obsessed with eradicating germs, there are health advantages to being exposed to them. The cover shot by Hannah Whitaker of a baby being licked by a dog makes graphic the prevalence of germs in our everyday lives."

In this magazine cover babies are seen as little germs and how they have germs. along with the baby the dog is also portrayed as having germs like the baby. This is shown in a bad way and how germs are not good, but the magazine didn't want to disgust the people so they put a baby on the cover to attract people's attention and no disgust them. The lighting on the photo is good and I like how the baby and the dog are both centered in the middle and almost balanced even. 

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