Friday, October 28, 2016

Composition Rules Part2


Rule of thirds 


simplicity (background) 




View Point



Thursday, October 27, 2016

Funny Photos

This photo is of an old man named Matt who is riding a motorcycle during the day time on a road in Kentucky. Matt was born in Kentucky and used to ride motorcycles as a kid and got arrested for riding motorcycles naked frequently.

This is a fat lady Debra riding in her fashionable car in the hood getting wendys. She was born in Texas and almost got hit by a car on her drive to the restaurant. 

While protest for something they don't know about bob looks towards something in the distance while Susan looks in the same direction who is just as lost, then there is poor Erika in the background  completely out of it, she is on medicine that makes her extremely loopy and disorientated. She was dragged here by her husband Timmy and was given her swag sunglasses by timmy because her eyes are so bad. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


1. As i worked my way through these photos my heart began to hurt and when i looked at the second to last picture i gasped at how she died and how this terribly journey can changed someone so fast in what get like a short time.

2. When he said this quote i think he means that some picture define people and what there life is like and not what it actually is. While these photos are there life and there is no 'yeah that has happened to me but in a different way" the picture are " this is exactly my life".

3. I think i could take picture like this but it would be very hard to do with my emotions but it is possible.

4. I would tell him first that i am sorry for his lost and then i would tell him that his pictures were beautiful in showing the world what really happens first hand to someone with cancer and how much things change. I never knew just what cancer looked like and how much it can change someone until now.

Prompt Shoot #2




Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Abandon Theme Parks

I woud want to go to Prypiat, Ukraine because when you look at the pictures taken you an see the old run down park. You can tell that there once was little kids running around and now its a ghost town. All of the rides have rust and the tracks for the rollarcoster are broken and all the windows in the building are broken. The grass is growing around the rides to make it look even more run down and there is graffiti all over the place and buildings.

Five places i would want to have a photo shoot is 
  1. a run down factory from the 1900's or around that time 
  2. An old attic 
  3. An old shed in the back yard 
  4. Abandoned churches  
  5. Cemetary 

It would be fun to document this location because it looks like it was once very popular and a very good company and very successful. And now when u look at it it doesn't look pretty at all. There is probably machinery inside the factory that was left and never donated. There is also probably things inside they made and didn't have enough time to sell before they went out of business. 

In order to take pictures here i would need to get a plane ticket and fly there because it is not in texas. I would have to make sure i could access it and not do anything illegal. I would need to bring extra batteries, maybe 2 cameras incase something happens to one i can have a backup and extra lenses if i wanted to take different photos with different zooms and shutter speeds.


When i first saw these photos i was really shocked because the photos do not look like they are from Africa. They looked like they were all fake or stuffed and not the actual living animals in africa. I loved the old feel of the photos because they are all in black and white. It made me feel like the animals were angelic in a way.

This photo shows a elephant in africa drinking water by itself. I love this picture because it shows the clarity and all the makes on the elephant and because the elephant is drinking water there is a direct line from its trunk to the water and it really draws you eye. The photo is also black and white so it is really authentic and old kind of feel. 

There is definitely the line rule in this photo because there is a line that connects the water to the elephant and that is what your eye is drawn too. 

brandt photographed on a medium-format black and white film without telephoto and zoom lens. This is important to know because all of his photos are in black and white because he wants people to see the life on nature an animals before the humans put there hands on them. He didn't want to use zoom lenses because he wanted to get close and really capture the real personality and characters of the animals. 

He wanted people to see what the true nature is and what animals are really like in the wild without all of the man made objects in the way. 

Brandt says "There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa" when he is asked why he choose africa to shoot his photographs. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mural Project

1. A theme we could do here at school and off school is nature because bowie is around woods and it even has a cave and you can also find forest androids outside of campus too.

2. I think we should only use cameras because using a real camera will give you the experience of using one and being a real photographer.

3. I would want to put the mural outside the classroom down stairs by the library where everyone hangs out and were everyone can see.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Black and white Photographers 3

The first thing that caught my eye was that the pictures both have a lot of things going on in the background which makes it more interesting to look at. The photo on the left is a very popular photo by Robert Doisneau and i have seen it before in many museums about world wars and there is also a famous statue in Washington DC and Hawaii which i have seen both before.

Photo on the far left:
1. I see soldiers coming home with smiles of happiness and content on there face. In the middle of the picture i see a man and women being reunited after a long time and showing there happiness of seeing each other through kissing.
2. I smell alcohol from the celebration of winning the war and the smoke from confetti being shot into the air. I also smell the dirty stale air of a down town populated city in the 1900's
3. I hear cars driving down town and beeping there horns at the traffic. I also hear the cheers from other people congratulation the soldiers on there big win and being able to come in.
4. I taste spit being passed between the two people.
5. I fell excitement and the powerfulness of the soldiers coming home. I can also feel the energy and electricity of the soldiers finally seeing there loved ones and being able to come home.

Photo on the far right: 
1. I see the  Eiffel tower shooting up into the sky in the far left of the picture. I also see kids and families enjoying a nice day out in the heat by the river.
2. I smell the fresh water from the river and the sunscreen being applied to fair skinned kids back along with it being sprayed. I smell the fresh french bread cooking in a near by bakery along with the smell of yeast.
3. I hear the water splash as kids make cannon balls into the river and splashing each other in the face. I can her the conversation and the kids scream of delight. behind me i can hear the cars drive by as i take a picture by the bridge.
4. I taste the french bread in the air and the water in my mouth as i splash into the water.
5. I feel the cold fresh water from the river on my skin as the people jump into it. I also feel the nice warm sun beat down on me from high above.

To show the whole school what a great photographer Robert Doisneau is i would like to do something that catches peoples eyes. Something the pops which is why i want to create a poster. I want to use a colorful poster that will make his photos pop especially since most of his photos are black and white. Instead of posting one picture i want to put several pictures on the poster to show his variety and many of the good pictures Robert has taken.