Thursday, January 26, 2017


  • Every year book should be in color 
  • Should have the same of the high school on the cover or on the inside cover
  • Have aa index with all the students names 
  • Have the senior pictures as the last class
  • Have a senior goodbye, dedications to all seniors from family members 
  • Should have a the school year on the cover 
  • Have a page for each extra curricular activity 
  • The last page should be dedicated for the staff members and teachers 
  • The year book editors and staff should be credited 
  • Pages should be numbered 
  • List the names of the people in the pictures they are in 
  • Each background for the pictures should be the same 
  • Have blank pages in the back for student signatures 
  • Names of the spread done by the person on the spread they did
  • Location of the school should be on the inside
  • Have a table of contents 
  • Where the school is located           
  • Every year book should be hard back
  • The spreads should have the same number of photos for everyone 
  • The spreads should have a variety of different people and not the same person
  • Each spread should show the activity in a positive manner 
  • Each page should be number 
  • The title should be bold for the spreads 
  • Spreads should include quotes from people doing the activities 
  • The description of the spread should not be opinions 
  • Facts about activités should be true 
  • Each picture for the spread and the information should match and be similar.                                                                                                   

1.  Simply connected
2. Klein Oak High School
3. There are segments of what kids do after school, Homecoming, Football Games, Summer activities are some of the thematic elements in the yearbook. 
4. My yearbook has 5 sections 
5. My favorite spread is the 9/11 spread and how the high school helped and honored the first responders for 9-11 and it shows the support and patriotism for the United Sates during that time. 
6. Yes my yearbook has a index. 
7. Yes there is a spread and photos of different clubs and organizations. 
8. Yes there is a table of contents 
9. 1,929 people went to this high school
10. This high school is located in Spring Texas. 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Phobia Project

1. A phobia is a fear of something in particular.


1. Acrophobia is a fear of heights
2. Achluophobia is a fear of darkness
3. Ceraunophobia is a fear of thunderstorms
4. Chiraphobia is a fear of being touched
5. Coulrophobia is a fear of clowns

I plan on doing the fear of the darkness by showing shadows in the dark or someone walking in the dark under a light. The photo would be horizontal.

Figures&Objects: My sister walking in the photo in the dark under the light.
Format: horizontal
Subject Placement:
Background: dark and scary in the night.
Lighting: dark and not light or bright at all
Clothing: dark black and grey clothing. my sister or dad wearing a hoodie over their heads.
Subject:  i want a reaction to be kinda scared and worried when they see it.

I also plan on doing a fear of heights. I will stand top of my house and take a birds eye view of looking down at the ground and there being nails on at the bottom. It would be cool to see the photo in black and white.

Figures&Objects: me standing on the roof of my house
Format: horizontal
Subject Placement:
Background: grassy besides the nails at the bottom
Lighting: the photo will be black and white but it will be sunny outside to not make it too dark.
Clothing: no clothing involved
Subject: no humans involved.

I alos will take a picture of mono phobia of someone sitting in a box and being alone.

Figures&Objects: my sister sitting in a card board box alone all curled up in a ball
Format: horizontal
Subject Placement:
Background: brown because the only thing you'll see is the box
Lighting: dark on the outside and very light on the inside
Clothing: white clothing or something nude color
Subject: my sister

I will take a photo of the fear of rain and have a wet window and my sisters hand dragged down the window with the rain drops.

Figures&Objects: My sister
Format: horizontal
Subject Placement:
Background: glum, cloudy
Lighting: dark not bright
Clothing: grey or dark colors
Subject: my sister or mom

Welcome Back!

I chose this photo because when i first saw it i was in mental shock and made me feel really angry and sad that such a thing could happen to someone, especially a child. The first thing you see is the doll and the picture seems fine but then your eyes focus on the photo which is the little girl that has died. This photo represents tragedy of what ISIS can do to people. 

This photo is really special to me and important because it represents determination of how if you watched the Olympics that Simone Biles worked really hard for what she got. She is now the second African American to win a gold medal in the all arounds. In the photo Simone is bent in a very awkward position and if you look at her eyes her eyes are locked in and dead set on the bar in front of her which also shows her determination in the games.

This is another one of my favorite photos because the eyes of the eagle are yellow which your eyes are drawn to immediately because of the brightness. The eyes are also looking dead in the camera and they almost make u have a connection with the hawk because of the deep eye contact. The photo is also so zoomed that all you can see are the eyes and the mouth which make the eyes and mouth stand out even more. 

I chose this as the best music for 2016 because the lyrics are very relatable to how women perceive themselves and how they want others to view them. In the song theres a part that says " she just wants to be beautiful" which is what everyone wants. But not only that it takes about how now all the girls need to fit the stereotype of being beautiful that they are beautiful just the way they are. Which to me is the most important lesson someone should learn. 

To me this is the best movie because i love cinderella, even as a child and now that they made a new movie with real people it was really good to watch. The photos and the scenery was very beautiful and the actors were very good and made the watchers were emotionally attached. The movie also has a good theme to it and made me want to have courage and be kind to everyone. 

This most important news story was when Carrie Fisher died of a heat attack on a plane. Carrie Fishes was an icon to many women and people around the world as being a true princess. She was a major part of the most commonly known movie Star Wars. She will be forever missed an never forgotten as long as Star Wars lives on. 

Simone Biles was the most important person to me of 2016 because she represents so many things. She was only 16 when she won the gold medals in all around in the summer olympics. She was the second african american to win the all arounds the other person was Gabbie Douglas, both of which were on team USA. She makes people wanna be better and makes kinds wanna do better and shows them that anything this possible if you just believe and put in the hard work

The most important sport news was when Charlie Strong had to leave being and coach of the UT football team after two years. He was going to be fired but left on his own instead after having another losing season. He left and now is a Coach in florida and the new coach is from LSU. 

One things that happened over the break that i will always remember is that i tried a new face wash to wash my face with and i had an allergic reaction to it and had to go to the doctor to get medicine so i could breath. My resolutions for 2017 is to lose 20 pounds and also to not have any drama and live in the moment more and to not regret anything i didn't do. I am looking forward to sending are time with my new friends that i made and also getting to do new things that i wasn't able to do in middle school like take new classes and meet even more people.