Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Senior experiences the Ride of Her Life:

this story is about a girl names Celeste Hermes who loves riding. She wen tot a camp when she as little and rode horses and fell in love with riding them. She has Cystic Fibrosis which is a terminal disease that affects the lungs and breathing. She was apart of a the Make A Wish foundation which is how she got her first horse. She connected with her horse when she went to camp and new instantly that he was the horse for her.

Who- Hermes Family and Friend
What- Celeste riding her horse
When- Senior Year
Where- Scissortail Hill Equestrians and at home  
Why- Shares story about life changing experience
How- Celeste got her hoe from the Make A Wish foundation was how she got her horse
Who was Quoted in the Story- Celeste Hermes, Lou Hermes and Elizabeth Jones
Quote- "He was the only horse that I tried and I loved it and I loves his riding style and the way he treated to me so I knew I wanted him". Celeste Hermes. this quote came from the middle of the story when she was describing her horse, it made me want to read more about their friendship and experiences together.
Yes the leading sentence made me want to keep reading because it had a lot of imagery of the hooves beating against the ground, it makes you wonder what is happening.

Science Fair Rules On Campus:

Science fair was held on January 13 after school in the science rooms. There were 12 different categories that the students were in. The winner of the bowie science fair was Connor Larkin in the computer science category for "Wife Signals Strength Through Different Building Materials and Humidity." the winners of the science fair were called up one by one for their awards according to the project category.

Who- All Bowie science fair participants
What- Experiences in the bowie science fair
When- January 12, 2016
Where- James Bowie Highschool
Why- To share experiences and knowledge about the science fair and what their projects where about.
How- The students did the experiment and then presented their experiment and ideas to a group of judges for the bowie science fair
Who was quoted- Emily Morales, Alex Paulson, Matthew Musat and Trace Hurd.
Quote " Honestly I did not have fun doing the project but I like how it turned out" Alex Paulson. This quote is in the middle of the story and it is good because it made u want to read about how kids don't like the science fair but they like how it turned out.
I believe the sentence starter for this article as ok, it could have grabbed me in a little better by not starting off by talking about the science fair and the date.

Inherit Fortunes with Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events":

About the cast of a series of unfortunate events and the story line. The series was released on netflix on Friday the 13 and is about a family with unordinary traits live in their orphanage after their parents died in a fire. One girl has sharp teeth and can cut anything and another one has the brains of a genus. It is based off a book by Snicket and his 13 book series.

Who- Narrator of book, Cast of A Series of Unfortunate Events
What- The new Netflix TV series
When- Friday the 13
Where- Netflix
Why - A very popular TV show and is based off a 13 series long book and has a very interesting plot that people haven't seen before
How- They get the peoples attention in the beginning of the shows by have a theme song for each episode after one book.
Who was quoted- Justine Lockhart
The most interning part of the story was paragraph 4 when they were describing the characters and what they do and how they are special and different then anyone else.
I don't believe the beginning sentence is a good one and makes me want to read more because if someone was actually interested in reading a happy story they might actually skip the story and read something else.

The photo on B7 is the eye catcher, it is the main photo on the page because it is the biggest. The yoyo in the picture creates lines in the photo because the string is catching your eyes first in the left corner of the photo. The photo really shows how good of a yoyoer he is.
I see lines in the photo with his shirt and the yoyo its self.
The boy Matthew Lane is the main subject of the story.
The photo is in black and white so i don't know if it is exposed properly, but it is in focus and even when its in black and white its not bright enough to where u cant see it but not dark enough its black.
Shallow depth of field because the boy and the yoyo is the only thing in the photo.

The photo in A2 that i chose is the one where

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Literary Magazine

Deep in the Heart 

Coming Home 
Safe Haven  

Barren Discovery 

Front Pages of the Magazine

1. I liked the Post Star from Glens Falls New York because the focal point of the magazine is the picture placed directly in the middle of the newspaper. The stories are also very easy to follow and easy to see were they start and end and the separation of each story.

2. The most interesting headline in the newspaper is the one that is titled "Drugs Have Vanished From Some VA Hospitals." I am interested in it because it is a really big deal to have drugs gone missing and i want to know how it happened and what people are going to do to catch who ever did it or fix the problem.

3. There are 4 stories posted on the front of this magazine

4. Most of them are very similar to the yearbook designs. The all mostly have a main photo that catches peoples eye that is bigger then everything else. The titles are bigger then the text to draw attention to it. Along with having a main photo each story has a small photo to go along with it and has something to do with the story being told.

5. Some front pages are mainly photographs and others are mainly text. Some front pages have different adds for other companies and coupons attached to them too. Some newspapers have quotes bolded in the stories told by people and other stories don't include that.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Extra Credit

I chose the article titled PhotoJojos Tumbler, and then clicked on the link that said Tips on capturing nature, beautiful kisses.

This article is really good at explaining things. The photographer that gives you the tips is a women named Haley Sheffield, who is a really known and good photographer for taking wedding pictures with the couple kissing. This website is supposed to help and give you tips on how to capture the special moments in kissing without the couple being awkward or shy. The tips mainly consist of giving the couple and the people how to position them selves or not make them awkward and not necessarily about how to take the pictures and what angles you should get. If you're not someone that wants to go into photography or doesn't take pictures, if you do end up getting married and want to take photos these are good tips on how to prevent being awkward and get the best pictures out of the shoot. I would not bookmark this website because I am not getting married any time soon, so i wouldn't need these tips. Even though these tips are helpful in someways, the photographer should be the one to give pointers and fix things because they are the ones that are looking through the camera. I would rate this website a 6 as being the most helpful because it is helpful for photohraphers who want to go into that type of photography but if you aren't going into that field then it wouldn't be a very helpful website.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

King Pica

Yearbook Spread: Ian Somerhalder : 


(fear of tight spaces)

(fear of dogs)


(fear of the dark)